Anyone Can Be President: The Super-smart Guide to Being the Ruler of the Free World Due

New Book From Acclaimed Author David Vienna Tackles American Politics
With (Not Unworldly) Wit And (Not Alternative) Facts

Due Out April 1

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As America gears up for the 2020 elections, the Who’s There Group and Knock Knock are primed to help potential candidates get into shape with Anyone Can Be President: The Super-Smart Guide To Being The Ruler Of The Free World. With an April 1 release date, the newest title from acclaimed author and blogger David Vienna (Calm The F*ck Down, The Daddy Complex) finally answers that age-old (and recently overly relevant) question: What does it truly take to become the President of the United States? Filled with queenly quizzes, commanding charts, and governing games, this non-partisan guide blends historical fact with humor to help readers decide whether they themselves might indeed be presidential material!

A former journalist, David Vienna grew up surrounded by politics in Washington, D.C., thanks to his newspaper editor mother and lobbyist father. In an effort to put his talents for research and writing to good use, with this book David has joined the present-day swell of political involvement and citizen advocacy to create a fun yet totally constitutional guide for anyone—literally, anyone—who dares to dream of their seat in the Oval Office.

“When McDonald’s aficionado Donald Trump took office in 2017, he truly proved the American ideal that anyone can be president,” proclaims Vienna. “Now, in reaction to the current sociopolitical climate in the United States, people are increasingly leaping into the world of politics—whether it’s registering to vote, becoming a political podcaster, or joining a protest march. And some, inspired or angered by the seeming ineffectiveness of career politicians, are going so far as to run for office themselves.”

Anyone Can Be President features a king’s ransom of activities for presidential hopefuls, including a Mental Health Test, a Campaign Slogan Generator, and even a “Choose Your Own Adventure”–style Presidential Adventure Story. Readers will learn the ins and outs of the U.S. government while being briefed on unclassified presidential trivia along the way. This essential guide is a must-have for potential candidates and political junkies of all ages—especially presidential hopefuls who like their truth served with a side of funny.

Click here to pre-order Anyone Can Be President.

For more info, follow @anyonecanbeprez on Twitter and Instagram.
Hashtag: #AnyoneCanBePresident 

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